Three double "P' of Prayer! part 2
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Three double “P” of Prayer! part 2
Three double “P” of Prayer! part 2
ii. Second, prayer neglect.
1. We are told to pray.
2. Promises are given to us but we often neglect to pray.
3. Why do we have so little… why do we miss the blessings of God?
1. James 4:2
– You want something but don't get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God.
4. The sin of the day is that we are trying to substitute activity and works for prayer.
1. We think that what we do and how we fool people will make up for our fervent prayer.
2. This makes Satan happy.
3. He’ll do anything to keep us from praying.
iii. Third, ingratitude.
1. 1 Thessalonians has 2 small verses:
1. Pray without ceasing…
2. In everything give thanks…
2. If our prayers are going to be effective, they must be offered with a heart of gratitude.
3. We need to praise Him as much as we pray to Him.
1. The complaining and griping and faultfinding Christian that blames God for every problem will never be powerful in prayer.
3. Sin is the most serious prayer problem.
i. If you aren’t seeing answer’s to your prayers, your problem may be the same as Israel’s in the Old Testament.
1. Isaiah 59:1-2
– Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear.
ii. Sin cuts the prayer line.
1. If God answered the prayer of one who stayed in sin and ignored the teachings of the Word, it would dishonor the name of God.
2. If God poured out his blessings on those who make no effort to confess or turn from sin, it would encourage them in their sin and disobedience.
4. Prevailing prayer is work.
i. Satan will never make it easy.
ii. He will encourage you to substitute something else for prayer.
iii. He’ll make you impatient or turn you to sin so your prayers will be in-effective.
III. Prayer’s Power
1. Prayer is explosive.
i. Acts 4:31
– After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
2. The power of prayer can’t be estimated.
i. When we make contact with God, it is then a question of His ability.
3. Prayer has revealing power.
i. If we are to know ourselves we must pray.
ii. If we are to know our weaknesses we must pray.
1. Our sinfulness… our unfaithfulness… we must pray.
iii. When we come face to face with Him in the secret place, prayer will reveal what we are.
iv. When Isaiah did this he said…
1. Isaiah 6:5
– “Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty."
v. If we pray for God to show us who we are… He will.
4. Prayer has strengthening power.
i. Jesus was in the Garden about to be crucified… praying.
1. Luke 22:43
– An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.
5. Prayer has separating power.
i. You can’t pray in sincerity without being cleansed.
6. Prayer has staying power.
i. Mighty workers have always been pray-ers.
1. Paul couldn’t have accomplished anything without prayer.
1. Prayer is the source of all power.
1. Praying and the filling of the Holy Ghost are closely bound together.
2. Everywhere in scripture where people are filled they are praying.
2. Prayer gives power:
1. Power for service.
i. To become servants we must become prayer warriors.
2. Power for overcoming temptation.
i. The man who stumbles and falls shows his prayerlessness.
ii. Any man… bound by sin or habit… spend time in prayer and the power will be given to overcome and live victoriously.
3. Prayer begins the conviction of sinners.
i. We must pray and:
1. Sinners will be convicted.
2. Unsaved will get saved.
3. Un-filled will get filled.
3. Prayer will make us blessings when the Spirit of God works through us.